+91-7536066683, +91-9897376683, +91-9045155093 (Account Office)


Registration OPEN for classes Pre-Nry to IX for the session 2025-26 Registration open for Class XI (Internal Students) Registration open for Class XI (External Students)

Student Responsibilities

Code of Conduct

♦ Students should take good care of their health and keep themselves robust and strong.

♦ They should always be friendly to others in and out of the school.

♦ They should avoid vulgarity in talk and behaviour.

♦ They should accept whatever work is assigned to them as their rightful share and should face difficulties courageously.

♦ They should always be ready to lend a helping hand at home to their parents, brothers and sisters; in school to teachers and companions and any unattended visitor whom they happen to meet in the school premises.

♦ Students should never cheat or be unfair at play and should be truthful, whatever be the cost.

♦ They should rise when any teacher or visitor comes to talk to them.

♦ Never be cruel, for cruelty is the trait of a bully while kindness is the mark of a gentleman.

♦ Respect the beauty of the classroom and of the school premises and report any damage you may observe.

♦ Students should never hesitate to say ‘NO’ when asked or tempted to do a thing which they feel/know to be wrong.

♦ Instead of lamenting and grumbling over the evils of the world, they should try to contribute their share in making it a better place to live in.

♦ They should look upon people from all parts of the world, as their brothers, irrespective of their caste, colour and creed.

♦ They should not waste their time in idle gossip. Students should take pride in wearing their school uniform.