+91-7536066683, +91-9897376683, +91-9045155093 (Account Office)


Registration OPEN for classes Pre-Nry to IX for the session 2025-26 Registration open for Class XI (Internal Students) Registration open for Class XI (External Students)

Admission Process


Admissions are open for the session 2025-26 Classes Pre Nry to IX. You can register online from this website: www.dpsbulandshahr.com

Phone Number: 7536066683, 9897376683    Email Id: contact_us@dpsbulandshahr.com


  • a)  The School does not accept any type of Donations or Recommendations for Admission.
  • b)  Use of any influence or unfair means to secure admission will lead to automatic Disqualification.
  • c)  Registration fees are non – refundable. Please fill all the entries in Registration Form Correctly. No Further Changes will be accepted by the school. 
  • d)  Numbers of admissions taken are based on the availability of seats.
  • e)  Only shortlisted candidates will be called by the school for Interaction.
  • f) The final list for admissions will be uploaded at school website.
  • g)  AGE CRITERIA for Classes
  •       i)  For Pre Nry  : 3+     ii)  For Nry : 4+    iii)  For Prep : 5+    iv) For I (first) : 6+


Admission is offered to students of all communities, without distinction of caste, creed, colour or religion in Delhi Public School, Bulandshahr. Registration entitles a student to appear for the Entrance Test and does not guarantee admission. Admissions are finalized on the basis of the child’s performance in the Entrance Test and Interaction both.

The following documents are required for registration process: 

1. Passport size photograph of Student, Father, Mother, Guardian (Each)

2. Report Card of Previous year or Half yearly Report Card of Current Year (Class which the student studying presently). 

3. Bonafide Certificate of student issued by the School on School’s Letter Head.

4. Affiliation Number of the school. Mention on the registration form (compulsory for classes II to IX and XI.)

5. Aadhar card of Mother, Father, Guardian and Student (to be uploaded).

Registration Process:

1. For online registration, the form has to be filled online under registration link on our school website. 

2. Please go through the guidelines properly for Admission before clicking on the link for Registration.

3. You may take a print out of it before proceeding further.

4. Enter your MOBILE NUMBER and then an OTP will be received on same Mobile phone through SMS.

5. Note: – Please fill the CORRECT DATA for classes Pre Nursery to I as per Student’s Birth Certificate issued by Nagar Palika. (Student’s Name, Father’s Name, Mother’s Name and Date of Birth)

6. Class II to IX Please fill the CORRECT DATA from Current School’s Bonafide Certificate (Student’s Name, Father’s Name, Mother’s Name and Date of Birth)

7. Class XI Please fill the CORRECT DATA from class X Admit Card or Class X Marksheet (Student’s Name, Father’s Name, Mother’s Name and Date of Birth)

Please make sure before submitting the data of students all the marked entries should be filled properly and with accuracy. No Further CHANGES will be entertained later. Submission of Birth Certificate, Transfer Certificate at the time of ADMISSION will be treated as final. NO changes will be accepted in future.

Documents Required For Admission

1. Transfer Certificate (Original).In case of Board Change or State Change of the student Counter Signed TC will be accepted. 

2. Birth Certificate (Original) Issued by Nagar Palika 

3. Admission Form

4. Aadhar Card’s Photocopy (Student, Father, Mother, Guardian)

5. Report Card’s Photcopy

6. 3 Passport Size Photograph of Student 

7. Kindly paste a photograph of student, father, mother, guardian on Aadhar Card (each)

8. In case of any Disease, Allergy submits a Medical Certificate by Doctor.

9. Bonafide Certificate (In Original)


Please note that NO Admission Fee or any other fee will be refundable in any case